The deadline to apply for a table at the 2009 BABA Book Arts Jam is July 31. Speaking as a member of BABA, I'd love to have you exhibit and/or sell at our eighth annual fun, educational, lively, interesting, event. For info click here. Please note that in these days of high priced crafts fairs, the Jam is free to those who attend ($2 for parking). The cost of renting a table is $50.00 if you will be selling your work at the Jam and $25.00 if you will be exhibiting/demonstrating only.

Mark your calendar for Book Arts Jam 2009, Saturday, October 17th, 10 - 4 pm. This years Jam is our 8th Annual Regional Celebration of the Book Arts, Print Arts and Paper Arts. The Jam is sponsored by the Bay Area Book Artists and Foothill College. For event program, schedule and directions, be sure to visit the Book Arts Jam web site.