Above is an ecard for the Photo Book Works show - click here to view the card full size on a web page. Partial text from the card:
"Photo Book Works - An international exhibition of artist books using photography as a primary image element. Featuring 31 artists from the United States, Great Britain, Switzerland and Australia.
January 27 to March 12, 2011
Opening Reception: First Friday, Feb. 4, 5-8 p.m.
23 Sandy Gallery, 623 NE 23rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97232
Oneiro, as part of the Photo Book Works show, has been shipped to Portland to be exhibited at 23 Sandy Gallery January 27 to March 12. Photo Book Works originated at Abecedarian Gallery in Denver. Its nice when a show travels. There are costs associated with each show. Sometimes there are entry fees, always time spent getting images together, filling out forms, sometimes I research the juror, trying to figure out if he or she might like my work. When a show goes to a second venue, the artist gets more exposure for the same amount of effort. Alicia Bailey created a catalog with all the books in the show. Laura Russell of 23 Sandy has created an online catalog.