Above: At the Book Arts Jam, 2011. I didn't take a single photo at the Jam. Luckily Jim took this one, so I have proof I was there. It was a great day - fairly steady crowd all day. I got to talk to a few people a bit, but only saw a tiny portion of the Jam. That's Lila Wahrhaftig to my left. She had wonderful collages and funny artist's books. Jim was on the other side of me with the Zymglyphic Museum road show. Photo by Jim Stewart
The Jam was a lot of fun. I met a bunch of interesting people and talked to people I have seen at the Jam before (we have a lot of regulars). I didn't get away from the table to hear speakers or see most of the artist's work. I heard good reports about both. I was one of several people interviewed for La Voz, the De Anza college newspaper. That was fun. I have no memory of what I said, I hope it made sense. I believe the article will be published in another week.
I did take my Spirits Under Glass book unfinished - it's the black book in the lower left corner of the photo. I got the pages painted, the photos mounted - it needs a cover and a colophon. Then I'll have to set up the photo equipment and take the official photos, post everything to my web site, flickr, this blog, etc. etc. This week we have guests, so all I've done is unpack.
Baba members have photos of the Jam posted in the flickr Book Arts Jam 2011 pool. The Jam got a mention in the blog Not for Fun Only.