Two of my photos, appear in
"Play! Toy Camera Photographers for Tots: A Collection of Sixty-three Toy Camera Photographs Made by Thirty-six Photographers in Twelve- Countries" published by CWIPress, edited by Jody Shipka with Nic Nichols. They are
"In my Dream the Boy and I are Chased across the beach by a huge dinosaur," taken with Oneiro and
"Photo of the Late Cretaceous by Tyrannosaurus Photo Ventris" taken with
Tyrannosaurus photo ventris. They appear on pages 66 and 67. You can see a preview of the entire book (possibly only for a short time), and purchase a copy at the link above. At some point there may be a download option available - when font issues get resolved.
This is the first time one of my photos has been published on it's own. Before this the cameras seemed to be an integral part of the project, and I wasn't sure the photos could stand on their own. I am pleased about the whole thing.