Above: poster for the gate to my studio.
Silicon Valley Open Studios is coming up fast. We will be open all three weekends, May 5 & 6, 12 & 13, 19& 20, 11am to 5. It's a fun event, but fraught with stress for me. I always laugh at the idea that the hostess is supposed to make everything look effortless. Where do we get these ideas? I suspect they come from a time when middle class people could afford to hire "help." Or they wanted to give the impression that they didn't really do the hard work, even if they did. My assumed expectations can be an onerous thing. The entirely genial Zymoglyphic Museum will be open to the public on the same days. Together we bill ourselves as "Studio 19," which qualifies us as a group in the Open Studios catalog.
Above: parts for Spirits Under Glass
Here are my plans for the next 8 days: Friday and Saturday I will try to get some more work done on my current project, Spirits Under Glass, the book that holds the Zymo 127 photos. Sunday is World Wide Pinhole Photography Day, an event I cannot miss. Then I will spend the week getting ready for Open Studios. I have notes from previous years, and will use them to make a to-do list, in order of priority. It includes: clear off the big work table, set up the display, check the tags, make new tags if needed, clear off the shelves where I like to show some of my collections. This year I also need to hang another light, hang new prayer flags outside, and find my old jewelry work. I also want to make some more small books, like Bird Life. Oh, and I want to prepare a demo or two. The sign for the gate is already prepared, and I bought boards for a bigger display. Inevitably I am in the middle of a project that I will have to set aside. I try to make complete notes for finishing and store all the parts, tests, samples, sketches, in one box.
Above: filing the back for Spirits Under Glass.
I love seeing the mess in other artist's studios, so I don't clean up completely, or cover my storage with black sheets. Depending on how my time goes, you may see my metalworking area looking extremely messy.
The demos I have in mind are simple wire-edge binding and making pinholes (for pinhole cameras). If I forget to do the demo, *Please* remind me. I'm not always aware of the time. I'll probably take a poll on the day. I can always show you how to use a jeweler's saw if you ask. Or if you want to see a particular demo, email me at art at judithhoffman dot net and let me know. Demos are usually about 15 minutes.
There is an old-fashioned map here and a digital map on my Open Studios page. I hope you can come by.