Thursday, December 15, 2005

How to be a kid again

I love Christmas lights. They give me a chance to feel like a kid again, with a little of that magical, wondering awe that children feel. Jim and I went out to look at lights in San Carlos and Redwood City. It was lovely to see so many people out, smiling and saying hello to strangers. I like walking along in the dark, or almost dark. I feel that people don’t see me, even when they smile and speak. They see the child in me, enjoying the lights and having a nice time, not the adult who can feel sad at Christmas to remember all the people who aren’t here to celebrate the holidays with us.

I’m learning a new camera and took lots of pictures. Most were terrible. The ones I included are here because they came out okay, and they enhanced my feeling of being a kid as we walked along. (All the images will enlarge if you click on them.)

I liked the simpler decorations for the most part.

Simple Christmas lights

Home made or old looking is a plus with me.

Santa and elves on porch

Snowman with carrot nose

This Grinch was the most humorous site.

Grinch and buddy

Some of the houses were over the top.

Lots of lights, reindeer and tree

And just as we were heading to the car I saw the moon over this big tree.

Misty moon and tree

It was a beautiful ending to the evening.

However you celebrate the season, with lights or singing or dancing, I hope you have a wonderful Holiday with the friends and family that you love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Judy! What a cool idea (the blog). Little kid inside definitely needs to get out more. Tinsel. I think I am into tinsel, but I have to find some. Should not be too hard this time of year. I also noticed that second hand shops have the old xmas tree orniments in the old boxes -- all seem to be manufactured in Brooklyn. Enjoy.
