Friday, March 23, 2007

Reading Matter

I love low-cost, editioned artist's books. They are often so funky, and so appealing. For a long time I have wanted to make a book that could become multiples. Most of my books are definitely one-of-a-kind, I couldn't imagine how to do this. So, as "research" I decided to buy some. Here are a couple, I'll add more in a week or so.

Marc Snyder of Fiji Island Mermaid Press offers an Artist's Book of the Month Club. These little books are charming. Each one is folded from one sheet of paper, and the price is right ($25 for one year). The content is both humorous and serious. The image above is from his latest book, "The Revolution." Check out Marc's blog, he shows each page of "Revolution," with explanatory notes.

I had a table near the Pod Post ladies, Jennie and Carolee, at the last Book Art's Jam. They had a wonderful array of items for sale. For $5.75 I came home with "a storybook of whimsy." It's a zine produced from the notebooks they kept on a trip to Japan last year. It's fun to look at, very dense with text and images.


Jennie Hinchcliff said...

Judith-thanks for mentioning "Kimagure"! Carolee Pod and I had a great time putting it together and are currently at work on our next collaborative zine. Will you be at the Printer's Fair in April? Hopefully we'll see you there -- if not, I guess we'll have to wait until October and BABA!
--Jennie Pod

Jade said...

Judith you are just like me!! I have been planning an editioned artists book for AGES and buy zines whenever I get the opportunity, with 'research' my excuse. I am sure we'll actually do it one of these days....